Monday, November 26, 2007

What do we eat?

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." -Albert Einstein

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health" 3 John 1:2

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. "
1 Corinthians 10:31

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:29

The foods we consume on a daily basis affect our health more than anything else. Our skin protects us from the outside world, but what protects us when the outside world is internalized? All of the materials we need for survival (besides oxygen and sunlight) need to be ingested and then digested. The easiest way to take control of our health is to take control of what we eat. If you're doctors inform you that your health problems are not diet related, they could be wrong.
The foods of today are nothing like the foods of the past. Modern foods are laced with nitrates, preservatives, soy additives, plant byproducts, etc, and are heavily processed. Most livestock are pampered with high caloric feed, injected with hormones and antibiotics, and not allowed to graze, resulting in meat with different nutrients than those of wild game. Many of the modern foods touted as "healthy" didn't even exist in our ancestor's diet. It is important to realize that what the majority of people eat today is not optimized for our bodies, but optimized for convenience, taste, and preservation.

If you wish to remain healthy and avoid ailments of the digestive organs, particularly cancer, you'd be well advised to eliminate all processed food completely from your diet.

In the age of fast food, precooked frozen diners, packaged snacks, and other 'convenience food', abstaining from processed food may seem difficult, but in fact it's not.

It is just as quick to eat an apple as it is a package of potato crisps, just as convenient to have nuts and seeds and dried fruit for breakfast as packaged cereal with cow's milk, and just as easy to make an avocado sandwich as a hamburger. It's all a matter of habit.

Today, over 6,000 synthetic chemicals are officially condoned for use in the processed-food industry, including some that are known to have carcinogenic properties.

Furthermore, processed foods also contain high levels of the debilitating, denatured ingredients we wish to avoid, such as white sugar, refined starch, pasteurized cow's milk, land mined salt, and hydrogenated vegetable oils.

The human immune system correctly recognizes chemical food additives as toxic foreign agents and fights hard to rid the body of them, causing severe biochemical reactions and putting great stress on the immune system.

After years of daily exposure to such inorganic chemicals, the immune system finally breaks down and burns out, leaving the body vulnerable to attack by microbes, toxins, and cancerous cells.

Although the food industry has duped the public as well as government health agencies into believing that their products are safe for human consumption, there is abundant scientific evidence to the contrary, and this information is in the public domain, openly available to anyone who seeks it.

Ignorance is therefore no longer a valid excuse for poisoning yourself with industrially adulterated foods.

Australian study says processed foods may contribute to teen acne

Could a burger and fries bring on one of the biggest sources of teen acne?
A study of 43 young men from Australia finds changes in diet might reduce the severity of acne.Half of the men in the study ate a high-protein diet full of whole grains, fruit and vegetables.The others ate a typical western diet filled with processed foods.After three months, those on the high protein diet showed fewer break-outs.However, researchers caution that diet alone is likely not the only acne factor.