'Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.' Joshua 1:9
Thanks to God I had a good journey to Mombasa despite that my all cash and bankcards were stolen in Madrid (I still had my passport and I could continue travel) and my suitcase arrived some days later (I had a very short time to change the plane in Cairo, so my suitcase didnt managed to the next plane). As I arrived the air was at first very strange humid and hard to breathe, but I got used to. I was most warmly welkommed at the airport and at the center.
Already next day we spent wonderful Sabbath day at Indian ocean.
Strange to think that its so hot all the time here and in Estonia its cold, and winter.
I have been for now councelling different ladies with their health complains. Its just amaizing feeling to introduce to those ladies 8 health laws, and pray with them for receiving strength and courage from God to implement the health laws in their life. Also we introduce to them natural remedies like garlic, turmerik, cayenne pepper, hydrotherapy, massage, exercises for the whole body. So later they are coming back and giving report how are the things proceiding and how do they feel after changing their habits. People are really willing to listen and try out. Many havent never heard that its possible to live more healthier and in this way get rid of their sicknesses. In many cases people are very poor to buy food and clean water, so they eat all the time the same food like Ugali (made from corn) and often drink water even from the river. Many children and grownups have health conditions like Astma becouse of bad hygiene and dusty air. In general people are easygoing and kind, having a lots of time to wait patiently when comes their turn to receive the health councel....I admire that.
This area where I stay is noisy all they long already at four in the morning the life starts with loud music.
I am just so much fond of this fresh fruits that we are eating here, papayas, mangos, avocados, passion fruits, coconuts ect. And just so surprised that locals are rarely eating their treasures like raw fruits and vegetables...they dont realise the precious value of them. Its written in the Bible: 'And to every beast of the earth, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.' Genesis 1:30
Many people cant afford buying Bibles and many dont know how to read. Usually I have been translated from English to Swahili by the local medical workers.
On Sunday we had outreach in one village...people came and we received lots of help through natural therapies and remedies. Straight after finishing it started to rain, and when we started to drive car driver just couldnt keep the car on the slippery clay road...and started to drive on the side of the road, sometimes car stucked so much in the pit that the help was needed, we prayed a lot, and I knew God had everything under control. Car driver was seemingly upset, but when we got out, he agreed that it should have been God who helped.