Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Clothing I

We have been discussing with friend much about how important is proper clothing. While clothing is something no one is born with, we all learn very early in life to consider it as an extension or our being. Dress impacts all facets of life - physical, mental, social and spiritual.

Physical impacts

The concept that dress has a significant impact on the physical health has been largely ignored by the medical profession and rarely addressed by the general public. Half of the diseases of women are caused by unhealthful dress. A key concept of God's health reform message is that clothing affects the circulatory system to a far greater degree than generally realized. Good health depends on two basic priciples of proper dress:
  • Clothing must be evenly distributed over the entire body in such a way that the extremities are as warm as the central portions of the body.
  • Clothing must be loose fitting. There should be no restriction or band tight enough to leave a mark on the skin.

From the book Temperance in Dress, Mary Ann McNeilus,M.D.

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