Sunday, November 18, 2007

Depression menu

1. Morning rising
Drink any herbal tea upon rising on an empty stomach. Drink water 30min before meal.

2. Breakfast

Eat 3 kinds of fresh fruits: Bananas, apples, strawberries, rasberries, grapes, kiwi.
Eat one of the following cooked grains: millet, brown rice, rolled oats, barley, buckwheat, spelt, quinoa, amaranth.
Nuts (5-10 almonds, 2 teaspoon sesame seeds) grain or nut milk.

3. Mid-morning
Drink a glass of water 1-2 hours after meal.
Drink herbal tea 3 hours after meal.

4. Lunch
Raw salad: to include dark leafy vegetables, carrots, alfaalfa sprouts. Make dressing using nuts, seeds or avocado.
Steam green vegetables: leafy vegetables(spinach or broccoli. Etc), fresh beans or peas
Eat one of the following cooked grains: brown rice, corn, millet, baked potato with skin, one slice of grain bread
Use cooked or sprouted legumes next to grains 3-4 times a week. Soybeans, any kind of beans. Etc

5. Mid-afternoon
Drink water 1-2 hours after lunch
Drink herbal tea.

6. Supper
(4-5 hours before bedtime) Choose 1 of the following:
-Popcorn and 1-2 fresh fruits.

7. Mid-evening
Drink water and herbal tea 1-2 hours after supper till going to bed.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a very important nutrient in reducing risk of depression. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for optional brain development during the critical formative time of early life. Cow´s milk and traditional baby formulas are both low in omega-3 fatty acids. Today´s adult who were given infant formulas and cow´s milk have, on average, a 9-10 point lower IQ than those who were receiving human breast milk.
It is impossible for both meat-eaters and vegetarians to have a diet too low in omega-3 fats. There is a way to bybass the cholesterol and toxins that come with the animal-derived omega-3 fats. We obtain the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids from a plant fat called "linolenic acid".

Plant foods containing Omega-3 (linolenic acid)

Food Item Amount Omega-3 (mg)

Flaxseed 1Tbs 7520
Walnuts 1/4 cup 2043
Green Soybeans 1 cup 637
Spinach 1 cup 353
Avocado 1/2 cup 132
Almonds 1/4 cup 127
Turnips 1 cup 50
Banana 1 each 39
Sweet potatoes 1 cup 36
Apple 1 each 25
Roasted potato 1 each 17
Cucumber 1/2 cups 16
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 14

Flax-Nut Sprincle Recipe (High Omega-3 content)

1/4 cup walnuts, ground
1/4 cup flax meal
1 tbsp date (soak in hot water and smash)
1/8 tsp salt

Mix and serve over toast, cereal.
Also can make it as a bread spread adding little bit more water.

The omega-3 fats content in this recipe is nearly equal to the daily recommended amount (i.6 g/day) of fish oil.

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